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Temple University *

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Apr 3, 2024





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15. Match each labeled portion of the image below with its best description. "B" refers to the dark zone in the center, and "C" to the lighter ring around it. Answer: A - seagrass bed B - patch reef D - intertidal sandy zone Explanation: The intertidal sandy zone is the area above where the land meets between low and high tides. The patch reef The seagrass bed stabilizes the seafloor. 16. The plot below shows one of the key results of Breed et al.'s 2017 study of narwhal behavior in an inlet in the Canadian Arctic. What major conclusion did the authors draw from these results? Answer: Narwhals stay in surface waters throughout the inlet when orcas are present, which prevents them from diving into deeper waters where their food is. Explanation: Narwhals may stay in surface waters when orcas are present to avoid potential predation. 17. The graph below illustrates one of the key findings of Bracewell et al.'s 2020 investigation of support (or lack of support) for the Intermediate Disturbance Hypothesis (IDH). Which of the following best describes their conclusion? Answer: The IDH is most strongly observed in the tropics, and least strongly in temperate latitudes. Explanation: The Intermediate Disturbance Hypothesis states that species diversity is highest at intermediate levels of disturbance. In the tropics, disturbance events such as hurricanes and intense rainfall are more frequent.
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