Homework 8 F22 (Climate Change and aquaculture)



University of California, Santa Cruz *

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Apr 3, 2024





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Homework 8: Climate Change and Olys name ___________________________ due Mon 10/21/22 10 points As I am sure you are aware, the biggest threat of our time, and of future times, is the warming of our planet. Climate change is with us and we must address it NOW as well as find ways to adapt and prepare for its inevitable destruction. The COP26 meetings- involving nearly 200 countries- that took place last Fall in Glasgow, Scotland resulted in an agreement that, although limited in scope, offers a starting point and a consensus that all nations need to do something immediately. One focus of the agreement is for countries to present pledges for dramatically slashing their carbon dioxide emissions within the next year, an earlier deadline than the 2025 one established by the Paris Agreement set it 2015. In order to hold global warming to below 1.5 degrees C by the end of the century (compared to preindustrial levels, above which the danger increases immensely), carbon dioxide emissions, from the whole globe, would need to be reduced nearly 50% by 2030 and net zero emissions achieved by 2050. Achieving this level of reduction will require a multifaceted approach involving economics, policy, politics and technology (among other areas). This homework focuses on how biological approaches can be used to address climate change. Part I. Impact of land use and policy development (4.5 points) The following link takes you to a video called Towards Land Use, given on Feb 18, 2020 by members of the OECD Environment Directorate. https://youtu.be/HtPZ70IiYIw . You should go to this link and watch the first part of the video to answer these homework questions. OECD= The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development 1. (0.5 point) Which one of the following statements about land and land-use, as described in the video is FALSE? (choose the incorrect statement) a. Two thirds of ice-free land on the planet is impacted by humans. b. Infrastructure makes up about 1% of ice-free land use. c. Land use change is the largest driver of biodiversity loss. d. The IPCC estimates that 43% of the global emissions come from land use systems. e. Land degradation resulting from unsustainable land use negatively impacts over 3 billion people globally.
2. (0.5 point) The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are among the international environment commitments that require sustainable land use to be achieved. Several SDGs were listed (15, 2, 6, 7 and 13). The speaker described what the goals of each are- and they are shown on the slide after the initial description. What were these five goals? 3. (1 point) What are two SDGs that are shown to impact each other? What is the nature of the impact? 4. (0.5 point) Which one of the following was NOT one of the countries chosen for the case studies? a. Indonesia e. Mexico b. Ireland f. France c. Australia g. Brazil d. New Zealand 5. (0.5 point) What are the two factors that countries have in common that made them good choices for the case studies? 6. (0.5 point) Approximately what percentage of agricultural output is lost or wasted each year?
7. (0.5 point) National Strategies and Action Plans made in response to international agreements were discussed. What was one of the concerns that the speaker described regarding addressing land use? 8. (0.5 point) What was one of the recommendations suggested to achieve coherence across the plans? If you would like to learn more about the OECD, The Organisation for Economic Co- operation and Development, their homepage is at https://www.oecd.org Part 2. Food and Agriculture (4 points) The key roles of agriculture in quality of life, biodiversity loss and climate change are recognized in the new FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations) Strategic Framework 2022-2031. To read more about this, and answer the next homework question, go to the pdf titled Green and Climate- Resilient Agriculture https://www.fao.org/3/cb6978en/cb6978en.pdf 9. (0.5 point) The paper describes Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from agri-food sectors as representing 34% of total GHG emissions. What were the four main causes described? 10. (0.5 point) The article notes that the FAO has several programme priority areas (PPAs) that they focus on. What was one of those areas?
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