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Apr 3, 2024





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2.1 QQTP Reading Response Quotation: “Teachers need to remember that poetry is music. Some children come to poetry through song lyrics.” (Young et al., 2020, p. 118) I chose this quote because I find the integration of music in poetry to be truly fascinating. Previously, I had not associated music with poetry, but now I can appreciate the connection between the two. It serves as an effective method to spark students' interest in poetry once again. Personally, I view song lyrics as a form of poetry, as both possess the ability to stir emotions within me. While one may resonate with me more than the other at times, disregarding the musical accompaniment of song lyrics would be a significant oversight. This element distinguishes the two art forms. Conversely, the silence that accompanies reading a poem on paper allows me to delve into the words in a unique manner, offering the time and space needed to comprehend the poem's essence. Question: Is incorporating music into the classroom and presenting it as poetry an effective method for educating students about poetry? TP1: Using music lyrics as poetry offers several benefits, one of which is the ability to establish a connection and pique interest by incorporating familiar material into lessons. TP2: It is intriguing to observe the striking similarities between poetry and music. Could it be beneficial to teach lessons by first analyzing the lyrics of a popular song before introducing it as a poetic piece? TP3: Can music be used as a tool to teach poetry to elementary-level students? Is it possible to utilize nursery rhymes as a means to introduce poetry to younger students and prevent them from developing an aversion towards this art form? TP4:I believe that music serves as a valuable tool for facilitating the comprehension of poetry among students of various age groups. The similarities between song lyrics and poetry enable students to perceive music as a form of poetic expression. TP5: Can the introduction of music as a form of poetry in the classroom prove to be a source of distraction for students? Will they be able to appreciate and understand the selected songs? Young, T. A., Bryan, G., Jacobs, J. S., & Tunnell, M. O. (2020). Children’s literature, briefly. Pearson Education, Inc.
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