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Apr 3, 2024





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3.1 QQTP Reading Response: Children's Literature, Briefly - Chapter 11 Quotation: “Some adults dismiss all fantasy-whether traditional fantasy, modern fantasy, or science fiction- as peripheral fluff. Because fantasy allows all possibilities, it is too whimsical for those who want reading for young people to be grounded firmly in reality. Yet these adults miss the point that good fantasy actually tells the truth about life. It clarifies the human condition and captures the essence of our deepest emotions, dreams, hopes, and fears. If fantasy does not do these things, it fails.” (Young et al., 2020, p. 155)I have chosen this excerpt because I firmly believe that the idea of restricting young learners from exploring fantasy literature is illogical. It is my contention that people of all age brackets find joy in delving into fantasy books as it not only sparks our creativity but also nurtures our imaginative capabilities. Fantasy literature, in my view, can transport readers to uncharted territories, enabling them to break free from the constraints of reality and delve into boundless possibilities. By immersing ourselves in these fantastical realms, we can broaden our horizons, question our beliefs, and gain a deeper insight into the human condition. Moreover, fantasy literature often imparts valuable morals and teachings that can resonate with readers across different age groups. Through the challenges faced by characters in these narratives, we can glean important life lessons on bravery, perseverance, and the significance of companionship. Question: Should fantasy books be excluded from the curriculum of children's education? TP1: What are the potential long-term benefits of permitting students to read fantasy literature? What are the potential negative consequences of depriving them of fantasy books? TP2: Fantasy literature not only uncovers truths about various facets of existence but also showcases a wide range of possibilities and potential conclusions TP3: Removing fantasy books from students' access offers a significant advantage by shifting the focus toward real-life issues and historical aspects. TP4: Eliminating fantasy books from students hinders their ability to delve into their imagination and foster creative thinking. TP5: It is fascinating to consider that the teacher has complete control over whether fantasy books can be used in academic assignments. The teacher has the power to decide if students can include fantasy literature in their work and how it can be included. Young, T. A., Bryan, G., Jacobs, J. S., & Tunnell, M. O. (2020). Children’s literature, briefly. Pearson Education, Inc .
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