ENG 190 Project week 7



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May 3, 2024





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RUNNING HEAD TITLE ENG 190 Project Brooke Bryant Southern New Hampshire University ENG 190: Research and Persuasion Professor: Sol April, 18, 2024
RUNNING HEAD TITLE (SHORTENED) 2 The motive of my research based on how COVID-19 has brought on a mental health crisis across the world. My interest in this topic is in relevancy after witnessing the pandemic firsthand I want to be a better assist during our next epidemic. My research will enlighten me more about how physician offices can provide patients who are struggling to cope either mentally or physically with the effects brought on by COVID-19. My revised research question is how can we provide or be of more of assistance there next pandemic how can we become of a better assist to the public rather it’s how to help have funding or be more open to virtual visits for those effective mental health issues and financial hardship due to COVID- 19. My presumptive argument to my research question based upon my research is that human resource officials will start making sure that due diligence is done when promoting a resource to a client or patient these resources will be credible and families won’t have to wait months for an appointment. physicians will also be more open to offering virtual visits to help with cost (cleaning after each patient can and will be costly) My potential answer to my research question. Based on my research is that as a community and as well as health professionals ( such as Human Resources workers) take accountability to provide clients with reputable resources that will actually provide assistance, and not wait weeks or months for the help My essay will consist of sources from a healthcare workers as well as organizations. The sources I have used are biased on what healthcare workers have experience these will consist of having families with school-age children, go through depression, not being able to live the life they have before this also affected how families were hit with a financial hardship. A strong impact of using bias sources to support my argument can be helpful for a few reasons, bias sources will be beneficial, because being biased gives the audience the real deal behind the clothes
RUNNING HEAD TITLE (SHORTENED) 3 stores they provides an insight to why healthcare workers are drained emotionally, and physically. There are not enough funding to provide these such sources. Sources Pediatric Nursing (PEDIATR NURS), Nov/Dec2022; 48(6): 296-302. (7p) https://eds-pebscohost-com This article is credible because it was an actual research that was conducted around how healthcare workers who experienced this changed during COVID-19 outbreak even though it was created two years ago it was within the first year and a half of this changing epidemic. The source is in relevancy of my research question because it’s an actual research that was analyze, the difference between mental health issues between different professions of healthcare worker, Robin and Cynthia Cox Published: Mar 20, 2023 This article on the KFF health news website has reported the rise of mental health issues, such as anxiety depression, which has led to alcohol and do steps and suicide death as well as drug dose, has also increased those who have experience symptoms of anxiety and depression. All of these issues again have increased due to the impact of COVID-19, this source is credible by KF, which is an analysis of US census bureau, household post survey, and highlight survey done by the United States on the increase of mental health issues. This source will help my research question by showing why we need more reputable resources to provide to our patients who are experiencing a mental health crisis. Front psychiatry: 2021; 12: 631008. Published online 2021 Jul 19 This publication is relevant to my topic mental healthcare is one of the most expensive healthcare issues prolong mental health issues, affects a human social skills. This will cause an individual to decrease motivation and performance impairment and personal and family function discrimination no income and much more this source is credible, because it was an article that was published from frontiers and psychiatry.
RUNNING HEAD TITLE (SHORTENED) 4 Sophia Majlessi, 2020-https://www.thenationalcouncil.org/news/behavioral-health-crisis-in- america-getting-worse-as-covid-19-forces-community-behavioral-health-care-organizations-to- cut back/? gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjw5cOwBhCiARIsAJ5njuaonk_eSzXKWntqk9SLJCcMGgRD6e ICob0aG08l9A70elspVh7xWjEaAn8sEALw_wcB This survey article outlines the average family financial hardship brought on by COVID 19, Americans can only survive about three months or less under the current conditions brought on by COVID-19. This article also brings awareness to how behavioral health organizations had to cut positions due to this awful pandemic. This source is credible because the survey was conducted by by ndp | analytics and the National Council for Mental Wellbeing. It provided statics that were provided by a national council that surveyed and observed the median range of how much American’s make and how they will be effected by the pandemic This source is relevant to my topic because it shows a annalistic done by a council to provide real life numbers of those that were effected, regardless if it’s a financial hardship or those that were laid off from work due to the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic.
RUNNING HEAD TITLE (SHORTENED) 5 Has Covid-19 brought a sense of Mental Health crisis and a financial hardship, in your family household? If your answer is yes, then don’t feel bad you are not alone during this, According to an online survey conducted by ndp | analytics and the National Council for Mental Wellbeing, nearly two-thirds of CBHOs Community behavioral health organizations) believe that they can only survive financially for three months or less under the current COVID-19 conditions, and nearly half of all behavioral health organizations across the country already have cut positions.(Sophia Mailessi, 2024) Young adults are especially likely to have faced high levels of psychological distress since the COVID-19 outbreak began: 58% of Americans ages 18 to 29 fall into this category, based on their answers in at least one of these four surveys. Women are much more likely than men to have experienced high psychological distress (48% vs. 32%), as are people in lower- income households (53%) when compared with those in middle-income (38%) or upper-income (30%) households. (John Gramlich, 2022) Although, we are not able to solve the mental health crisis we can learn ways to prevent this awful disease. Cause we know that from past that Covid- 19 was not the first outbreak that caused a burden on humans across the nation. The Disease of Mental Health has caused individauls as well as families difficulties during this time, and they are still trying to recover from. Young children and young adults are a valuable source to our next generation of adults, so any impact done to their minds at a young age can effect the rest of their lives, so so we really want mental health during a pandemic to be the cause of this? This will effect our population of valuable carrers, such as doctors, Nurses, Lawyers, Teachers, Farmers as well as retail workers. According to Mathew Morton and Gerald E Daniels Jr. (2021) the authors of Millions of Young
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