


University of Minnesota-Twin Cities *

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Electrical Engineering


Apr 3, 2024





Uploaded by MajorSummerEel27 on coursehero.com

EE5323 Homework #1: Ring Oscillator Schematic Design Submit a powerpoint report on Canvas by 9/19 Monday 11:59pm. No late submissions will be accepted. 1. Draw the schematic corresponding to the INVx4_ASAP7_75t_R layout in the standard cell library. If you don’t see the full standard cell library in your Virtuoso library manager, you can try adding the following two lines to the cds.lib file and restart Virtuoso. You do not have to run LVS or DRC for this homework. DEFINE asap7ssc7p5t_05 $PDK_DIR/asap7ssc7p5t_05 DEFINE asap7ssc7p5t_27_R $PDK_DIR/asap7ssc7p5t_27_R 2. Draw the schematic of a 99 stage ring oscillator using the inverter symbol from part 1. Use bus notation (see example below and posted instructions) so that you don’t have to manually connect the inputs and outputs of all the inverters. 3. Simulate the ring oscillator frequency (in GHz) and power consumption (in Watts) under the following Process-Voltage-Temperature (PVT) conditions. When sweeping one parameter (e.g. process corner), you can keep the other two parameters (Vdd and temperature) at their nominal values. Briefly analyze the simulation results. A. Process corner = TT (typical corner), SS, FF B. Vdd = 0.7V (nominal VDD), 0.63V (-10% VDD), 0.77V (+10% VDD) C. Temperature = 25°C (nominal), 110°C, -40°C (Occasionally, ring oscillators will not oscillate due to initial metastability. To resolve this issue, you can initialize a node voltage in the circuit using the “.ic” command. For example, “.ic V(node_name)=0” When you encounter tool issues, try to resolve the problem yourself before writing an email to the TA or instructor. If you are convinced it’s a problem out of your control or knowledge, then feel free to show the problem to the TA or instructor during their office hours. Email responses may be delayed as we get closer to the submission deadline.
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