SPD-560 Topic 4 DQ 1



Grand Canyon University *

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Apr 29, 2024





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Describe assistive technology (AT) or augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) and who benefits from the use of it. In addition, describe current trends in AT or AAC that can be utilized in the classroom. Be specific. According to Reed (2014), assistive technology (AT) aims to enhance the independence, communication, and overall quality of life of individuals with disabilities. One prominent subset of AT is augmentative and alternative communication (AAC), which focuses on supporting individuals who have difficulties with verbal communication. AAC encompasses a range of tools and strategies that help individuals express themselves when spoken language is challenging or non-existent. It includes low-tech solutions like communication boards with symbols, as well as high-tech solutions such as speech-generating devices (SGDs) and specialized software applications. By utilizing AAC, people with speech impairments, language disorders, or conditions like autism or cerebral palsy can effectively communicate their thoughts, needs, and emotions (Reed, 2014). Reed (2014) also notes that in the classroom, current trends in AT and AAC offer valuable opportunities for inclusive education and promote equal participation for students with communication challenges. One specific trend is the integration of mobile devices and tablets equipped with AAC applications, which offer customizable communication boards, symbol libraries, and text-to-speech functionalities, empowering students to communicate more effectively with their peers and teachers. Another trend in AT and AAC is the use of eye-gaze technology, which enables individuals to operate communication devices or computers by tracking their eye movements, opening up communication channels for those with limited or no physical movement. Moreover, there is a growing recognition of multimodal communication approaches in the classroom, which involves utilizing a combination of speech, sign language, gestures, symbols, and visual aids to support individuals with diverse communication needs (Reed, 2014). AT and AAC play a vital role in supporting individuals with communication challenges, and the current trends in AT and AAC promote inclusivity, enhance communication skills, and empower students with diverse needs to thrive in educational settings (Reed, 2014). Reference Reed, V. A. (2017). Introduction to children with language disorders, an (5th ed.). Pearson Education. Thank you for sharing, Chantal! I agree that assistive technology and augmentative and alternative communication are essential tools for students with disabilities to enhance their skills and abilities. The examples you provided, such as electronic worksheets, video-recorded lessons, and speech applications on tablets, are excellent illustrations of how technology can be utilized in the classroom to promote inclusivity and equal participation for students with communication challenges. I also appreciate your mention of handmade binders or picture books as valuable tools for augmentative and alternative communication, as they provide a low-tech solution that can be easily customized to meet the individual needs of each student. I
think your response highlights the importance of assistive technology and augmentative and alternative communication in creating an inclusive and supportive learning environment for all students.
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