3999EDN part 3



Griffith University *

*We aren’t endorsed by this school






Apr 29, 2024





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3999EDN Tutorial Module Four Proof of Engagement Answer the following questions related to Churchill et al. (2015). Teaching Making A Difference. Chapter 5. Learner diversity, pedagogy and educational equity. Learner Diversity, pedagogy and educational equity 1.What are your professional responsibilities to your students in terms of educational equity? 2. What are the dominating values and assumptions that have shaped Indigenous education in Australia? 3. For the stage of schooling you expect to teach, describe three actions for designing a high quality, high equity curriculum. 4. As a teacher, what steps could you take to build a positive learning environment that ensures all students feel they are active and contributing member of the classroom? 5. How will you design curriculum to improve your teaching and ensure you meet the needs of all learners? Student Diversity an Illustration of practice Australian Curriculum Watch the following video and answer the questions below https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UCg23z53g44
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