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May 7, 2024





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1.4.3 Practice: Explore Insurance Careers Practice Introduction to Business and Technology Sem 1 Points Possible: 30 Name: Shenellica Bettencourt Date: 2/22/2024 Reflect (5 points) On your assignment sheet, answer general questions about jobs and careers. 1. In your own words, explain the difference between a job and a career. (1 point) A job is something people do just to get by and pay the bills. A career is something people love to do makes them happy and they are in it for longer term. 2. Which type of work — a job or a career — do you think demands more emotional energy, and why? (1 point) I say a job because most people find an regular 9-5 job draining and is ultimately less excited about going to work. 3. Why would it be helpful to get a job in the same field as your career interest? For instance, if you wanted to become a veterinarian, would a job cleaning stables after school be useful? (1 point) It is helpful so you can have the work experience and learn as much as you can to see If you want to pursue it as a career. 4. What basic skills and character traits do you think are important for almost every type of career? Identify at least five, and explain why they are important. (2 points) Honesty because you should be able to trust your coworkers. Positive attitude because when people have a negative attitude, they don’t want to work well. Goal focused because you want to be working for something. Hard working because if you are not your boss will notice and not need you and you will get fired. Organized because if you are not it will make things more stressful not being able to locate things when needed.
Analyze (10 points) Analyze data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics Occupational Handbook database for three careers related to the insurance industry. 1. In your own words, answer the questions below about career opportunities for insurance sales agents. Locate the information at the Bureau of Labor Statistics Occupational Handbook site: https://www.bls.gov/ooh/sales/insurance-sales-agents.htm. a. What do insurance sales agents do? (1 point) Insurance sales agents go out and try to sell other types of insurance to potential customers. b. What is the job outlook for insurance agents? (1 point) The job outlook is about 5% c. What is the average annual pay, and what educational qualifications are needed for this career? (1 point) The annual pay is about $91,323 and the educational qualifications is a high school diploma, or a bachelor's degree. 2. In your own words, answer the questions below about career opportunities for insurance actuaries. Locate the information at the Bureau of Labor Statistics Occupational Handbook site: https://www.bls.gov/ooh/math/actuaries.htm. a. What does an actuary do? (1 point) Actuaries use financial, mathematics, and statistics to analyze financial costs of uncertainty and risk. b. What is the job outlook for an insurance actuary? (1 point) The job outlook is about 18% c. What is the average annual pay, and what educational qualifications are needed for this career? (1 point) The annul pay is about $108,350 and the educational qualifications is a bachelor’s degree.
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