Multiwavelength Universe Lab 20958 - Group 2



Pima Community College *

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Feb 20, 2024





Uploaded by ProfIronGull28 on

The Multiwavelength Universe Module 7 Group Presentation
Instructions 1. For EACH of the THREE images you picked: a. Make a copy of the 2 slide templates (slides #3 and #4 in this presentation) - please do not delete or alter the templates - other students will need to copy from them as well. b. Add the image you picked to the first slide template, and a title. Make sure the image has enough resolution to look good on the full screen. You don’t have to stretch it to match the placeholder - keep it in its proper aspect ratio. c. Add your description of the image to the second slide template, following the guidelines in the instructions and rubric. d. Add the references you consulted for this research to the bottom of the second slide. -LeLel MfrLeLe to pLersonHalizLe Mfonts HanKd HarrHanNgLemLent iMf you wish° 11ust mHakLe surLe thHat you’vLe mLet Hall thLe rLequirLemLents ± usLe thLe lHaIb ruIbriJc on Kd"l to LevHaluHatLe your work° 3. Once you’ve completed your slides, review your classmates’ work and leave comments using the comment feature on google slides. You should leave at least three comments (total) for full points. Try to spread your comments over multiple slides, so that everyone gets feedback.. Your comments can be: a. Suggestions for improvement b. Questions about their image c. Things they did particularly well d. ... 4. Enjoy the beautiful slideshow your team just made!
Three Types of Light from Jupiter
Three Types of Light from Jupiter / Christopher Anacker Description: These three images of Jupiter were captured using different light from two different telescopes. The visible and ultraviolet were taken by Hubble and the infrared was taken by the Gemini North observatory in Hawaii. The most interesting feature of these three photos, which is pointed out in the article, is the Giant Red Spot. It is still seen in the visible and ultraviolet light, but almost disappears in the infrared light. In the ultraviolet light the Giant Red Spot is darker and we can see another smaller spot more clearly. The side by side comparison of my favorite planet really changed my perspective on how light can at different wavelengths affects objects References:
+Crab Nebula
+Crab Nebula ± Mizaiel Zambrano ,WYXUXW[OVUZY[OaU`T+" The image is of the +Crab Nebula² an expanding debris field from a star’s death in the T aurus constellation° The image has radio² infrared² optical² ultraviolet² and X±ray° The telescopes used to produce the image were the VL)A² Spitzer² 0Hubble² XMM±Newton² and the +Chandra telescopes° The most prominent feature in the image is the neon coloration°The center is a pulsar that is spinning once every "" milliseconds and shooting out beams of radio and visible light°From studying the +Crab Nebula through X±ray images we have concluded that it is more condensed because we observe the electrons near the center° 1I chose this image because the +Crab Nebula seemed the most interesting to me with the different images and colors we have gotten through different wavelengths° DWXWXWW`TUW+" ZZYZYVUYX+" WYXSZ[ZTT^RW±aUXWY [O_SSYWYX VUaUZY]\]"(#!S
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