CIV 101 - Quiz 5



Illinois Central College *

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Arts Humanities


Apr 28, 2024





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Name: Tessa Kattom Quiz 5 1. Founder of the Benedictine order. a. Benedict Arnold b. Benedict Cumberbatch c. Benedict of Nursia d. Eggs Benedict 2. Philosopher who reconciled Platonic philosophy with Christian theology. a. Bede b. Thomas Aquinas c. Augustine of Hippo d. Boccaccio 3. Philosopher who reconciled Aristotelian philosophy with Christian theology. a. Bede b. Thomas Aquinas c. Augustine of Hippo d. Boccaccio 4. Language in which Giovanni Boccaccio wrote The Decameron . a. Latin b. Italian c. Middle English d. Greek 5. German whose development of the printing press during the Northern Renaissance facilitated mass communication of ideas in Europe. a. Jan van Eyck b. Christopher Columbus c. Johannes Gutenberg d. Giovanni Boccaccio 6. Italian sailor who opened up exploration of the Americas in 1492 sailing under the Spanish flag, leading to the creation of the Spanish Empire. a. Jan van Eyck b. Christopher Columbus c. Johannes Gutenberg d. Giovanni Boccaccio 7. Polish astronomer whose On the Revolution of Celestial Spheres postulated a heliocentric model of the galaxy. a. Nicolaus Copernicus b. Johannes Kepler c. Galileo Galilei d. Giordano Bruno 8. German mathematician whose use of planetary observations supported the heliocentric model of the galaxy and showed that the planetary orbits were parabolic. a. Nicolaus Copernicus b. Johannes Kepler c. Galileo Galilei d. Giordano Bruno 9. Italian astronomer whose use of the telescope demonstrated the heliocentric model and who formulated the Law of Inertia. a. Nicolaus Copernicus b. Johannes Kepler c. Galileo Galilei d. Giordano Bruno
10. German monk whose publication of The Ninety-five Theses in 1517 the Protestant Reformation. a. John Calvin b. Martin Luther c. Thomas Melancthon d. Ulrich Zwingli 11. Swiss reformer whose Institutes of the Christian Religion set forth the theology of double predestination. a. John Calvin b. Martin Luther c. Thomas Melancthon d. Ulrich Zwingli 12. English king who was forced to sign the Magna Carta in 1215. a. Richard I b. Henry VIII c. John d. Richard II 13. English king from the house of Lancaster who usurped Richard II and took the throne, leading to the War of the Roses. a. Henry IV b. Henry VIII c. John d. Richard II 14. English king whose desire to divorce Catherine of Aragon led to the Protestant Reformation in England. a. Henry VII b. Henry VIII c. Arthur d. Richard II 15. English commoner and statesman who was instrumental in bringing the Protestant Reformation to England. a. Cardinal Thomas Wolsey b. Thomas Moore c. Richard Rich d. Thomas Cromwell
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