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Apr 3, 2024





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1 Understanding How During the Course of a Lifetime Humans are Physiologically, Socially, and Psychologically Integrated Hayley Lopez Department of Child and Family Science, Fresno State University CFS 38: Lifespan Development February 21, 2024
2 As humans we are very curious people who tend to undergo an extreme amount of emotions throughout our lifespan, starting from as early as birth to death. Growing old we tend to question ourselves within the way we act, whether it may be our reactions, emotions, behavior, etc. In the generation we now live in today we can proudly say that research has been able to prove that humans indeed are physiologically, socially, and psychologically integrated. All of these factors play a role in impacting one’s overall development. Personally, as a woman who is currently at the age of 18 I can ultimately agree that my emotions and behavior has continued to change throughout the years of my early childhood until now. As I transition into adulthood mentally, physically, and socially I can understand how those factors indeed play a huge role in my overall development. As I transitioned into high school for the first time I noticed a huge transformation in my mental health, especially regarding my actions. I seemed to detach myself from relationships regarding family and friends very often. I became content with my own company and created an unsettling feeling towards engaging in relationships in my life. This was due to the stress and anxiety I began to experience within myself at that age. During the emotional evolution in one's life Song (2023) states, “Social withdrawal amplifies the brain’s stress response. Social contact helps put the brakes on it.” (p.1); Trap #1 Social Withdrawal. This specific statement from external research describes how social withdrawal is capable of creating stress within one’s life. In my case specifically because I continued to detach myself from relationships in my life I was digging myself into a deeper hole within my anxiety and stress. Instead at the time if I were to reconnect and push myself to regain those close relationships it could have created a huge change in my emotions. Surrounding yourself with communication, interactions, and love can play a huge role in developing one’s overall emotions and issues struggling psychologically.
3 Regarding the transition I experienced entering high school not only did it force me to lose connection within my people but it also created a change within my appearance and overall health. Arnett, J. J., & Jensen, L. A. (2018), both stated that “The lifestyles of many emerging adults often include a variety of factors that undermine health, such as poor nutrition, lack of sleep, and the high stress of trying to juggle school and multiple jobs'' (p. 393); Emerging Adulthood. In my case, I was beginning my first job, meanwhile my first high school relationship, along with many other factors including school and family issues. It seemed as if it was too much all at once to focus on which created bad eating habits that I later developed into. These bad eating habits allowed me to lose that nutrition my body was seeking for at the time. Especially when transitioning into adulthood your body undergoes various changes and it is important that we take care of ourselves during this specific time, however in this case I was not. I noticed a change in my body physically and I gained a lot of weight, fell behind in the sports I was doing and my body was falling into rough sleeping habits. Having various things to focus on left me not being able to take care of myself which resulted in physical changes I was able to notice. As I moved past this, it became easier for me to prevent these issues and I got used to the new lifestyle I was living and I transitioned my lifestyle for the better. At times when I might be feeling overwhelmed with negative emotions I make sure to prioritize myself and make sure to not only keep my relationships stable in my life but also take care of my body physically by eating the right things, and getting a good amount of sleep. It's quite confusing at times to truly understand how to properly maintain yourself as you undergo these physiological, social, and psychological changes throughout your lifespan; however , the real answer to that is that there really is no perfect way to go about it. Every human undergoes pressure at some point transitioning into a specific age in their life. For me I struggled
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